Atlanta, Georgia

Find your regulatory agency for Tree Removals:​ Within city limits: Georgia City Limits Map
Within county limits: Atlanta Counties Map​​

Tree Removal Permit Required: YES​​

Key Submission Items:​

Submission Portal:
City Website:​​

Quick facts:​  ​​

Specimen Tree Definition:
Large Hardwoods and Softwoods – greater than 30” DBH in fair or better condition.
- Smaller Understory Trees  - 10” DBH or greater in fair or better condition. - Rare species, those of exceptional aesthetic quality, and those with historical significance as defined by the Tree Commission, regardless of size. ​​

Dead, Dying Hazardous (DDH) Definition:
A tree posing immediate hazard or danger to a person or property due to imminent failure in part or whole.

​​Undesirable Species List:
Mimosa, Tree of heaven, White mulberry, Paper mulberry, Chinaberry, Princess tree, Carolina cherry laurel, Bradford pear, Leyland cypress.

Contact Atlanta Arborist Division:
Contact or view individual contacts for Arborist Division staff here.

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